Mr . ward is known as a great painter 沃德先生是一位遐迩闻名的大画家。
A pavior and flagger that s the famous bloom now , the world s greatest reformer 呃,那就是遐迩闻名的布卢姆,世界上最伟大的改革家。
The well - known mansion of this grandee in the english embankment was illuminated by innumerable lights 在英吉利沿岸街上,遐迩闻名的大官的楼房被无数彩灯映照得灿烂辉煌。
Upon seeing confucius , he said , “ you are well - known for your willingness to learn , and that ' s quite beyond me 见到孔子,他上前施礼道: “仲尼好学,遐迩闻名,后生可畏,老朽不及。 ”
Eventually his achievement in gardening was well known far and near and invited throngs upon throngs of visitors 种啊种,他渐渐迷上了园艺,醉心于培育各种珍贵树木和奇花异草,他的成就也终于遐迩闻名,吸引来一批又一批的游人。
His achievement finally became well - known far and near and attracted groups upon groups of visitors to his garden 种啊种,他渐渐迷上了园艺,醉心于培育各种珍贵树木和奇花异草,他的成就也终于遐迩闻名,吸引来一批又一批的游人。
America ' s best ? known billionaire is back to doing what he has always done best - - ? designing exciting new products and making barrels of money 美国这位遐迩闻名的亿万富翁重新做起了他一贯最拿手的工作? ?设计人心的新产品并赚得大把钞票。
In the eyes of the world , pierre was a great lord , the rather blind and absurd husband of a distinguished wife ; a clever eccentric , who did nothing but who was no trouble to any one , a good - natured , capital fellow 在上流社会人士的心目中,皮埃尔是个大老爷,是遐迩闻名的妻子的略嫌盲目而且可笑的丈夫,聪颖的怪人,又是个无所事事,但不伤害任何人的大好人。
These words were uttered in july 1805 by anna pavlovna scherer , a distinguished lady of the court , and confidential maid - of - honour to the empress marya fyodorovna . it was her greeting to prince vassily , a man high in rank and office , who was the first to arrive at her 一八五年七月,遐迩闻名的安娜帕夫洛夫娜舍列尔皇后玛丽亚费奥多罗夫娜的宫廷女官和心腹,在欢迎首位莅临晚会的达官显要瓦西里公爵时说过这番话。