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English translation for "道教名山"

taoist mountain

Related Translations:
名山:  mingshan
佛教名山:  famous buddhist mountains
名山大刹:  famous mountains and magnificent temples
日本百名山:  list of the 100 famous mountains in japan
中国名山风光:  famous mountains in china
中国最美的十大名山:  china's ten most beautiful mountains
道教:  [宗教] taoism
道教信徒:  taoist
道教建筑:  daoist buildings
道教石塔:  taoist stone pagoda
Example Sentences:
1.Master sima chengzhen and taoist scenic spots
2.It is renowned for the unusual rock formations scattered across the area , and is an important taoist centre
3.As to human scenery , there are many overhanging coffins and inscriptions on escarpments in danxia and karst landform areas , in addition , there are also many famous mountains of taoism and grottoes of buddhism in danxia landform areas , and many paleoanthropological sites and charming landscapes of national culture in karst landform areas
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