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English translation for "酉阳"

youyang tujia and miao autonomous county

Related Translations:
:  名词1.(地支的第十位) the tenth of the twelve earthly branches2.(姓氏) a surname 短语和例子酉牧 you mu
酉岛:  torijima
酉算子:  unitary operator
酉牧:  you mu
酉港:  yougang
酉夫:  torio
癸酉:  user:mxn
酉秋:  toriaki
酉群:  unitary group
酉三:  torizoyuzo
Example Sentences:
1.On the contrary , the land change is not remarkable in youyang
2.The sister of the tujia people and the singing queen of folk songs
3.Investigation report of state determined poverty - stricken county - xiyang county
4.So regarding youyang autonomous county as an example , the land sustainable use of western eco - fragile region with serious soil and water erosion is studied in this dissertation
5.3 the author analyzes the productive and opening potential and forecasts the demands of some kinds landuse and draws some conclusions : ( l ) the main cause for low production and income is the shortness of water and the poor fertility of land ; ( 2 ) constructive land is not suitable for farming and should be used for economy construction , and this is the main path to keep the total number of plantation in balance . 4 . according to the land use , the author discover the unsustainable factors and use synthetical index method to evaluate the sustainability of landuse and the results are these : ( l ) synthetical and monomial value increase gradually with the change of time and sustainable degree of landuse rises year by year ; ( 2 ) the artical compartmentalizes the sustainable landuse into four grades : prophase , primary period , basic period and sustainable period according to the synthesical value with 30 % , 60 % and 85 %
4根据酉阳县土地资源利用现状,在评价模型采用综合指数法进行评价的基础上,结合单指标多角度评价法,找出土地利用过程中存在的不可持续性因素,采用综合指数法对酉阳县土地资源进行可持续利用评价,结果显示: ( l )综合评估值随时间变化呈增加的趋势,而且单项指标的评估值也逐渐提高,可持续利用度在逐年上升; ( 2 )根据事物发展阶段论,按综合评估值为30 % 、 60 %及85 %将酉阳县土地可持续利用划分为可持续利用的前期阶段、初期阶段、基础阶段和持续阶段等四个等级,从酉阳县1980年、 1990年以及2000年总的土地可持续利用综合评估值来看,酉阳县到2000年土地利用管理仍处在可持续利用管理的初期阶段,离土地可持续利用的目标还相差较远。
6.On the basis of drawing the domestic and international achievement in research of luc and human driving forces extensively and referring to different economic development levels in chongqing , this study chooses beibei , wanzhou , youyang as the sample areas , which respectively represent for relatively developed district , less developed district , undeveloped district . this paper takes the data and relevant materials of the period from 1985 to 2000 as foundation , takes the on - site inspection as ground , takes sustainable land resource use theory and systematic dynamics theory as guide , takes many kinds of qualitative and quantitative approaches as methods
7.2 with the correlative analysis between the landuse structure and economic development , the main problems of landuse in youyang county are summarized as follows : ( l ) a large proportion of farmland are leanness , so the land quantity is bad ; ( 2 ) the forest vegetation is broken seriously , and the soil erosion is severe and the eco - environment is depravating ; ( 3 ) the number of land for water conservancy facilities is small ; ( 4 ) the proportion of town and transportation land is not accorded with landuse plan ; ( 5 ) land collocation is inconsequent ; ( 6 ) the land resources is plenty and a lot of land are not used but the land which can be opened up for farming
2通过对酉阳县土地利用现状结构与经济发展的相关分析,总结了酉阳县土地利用存在的主要问题有以下几点: ( 1 )中低产田比例大,土地质量差; ( 2 )森林植被破坏严重,水土流失严重,生态环境恶化; ( 3 )水利设施用地较少; ( 4 )城镇和交通建设用地欠账大( 5 )土地资源配置不合理; ( 6 )土地资源总量丰富,未利用地面积大,耕地后备资源不足。
8.As a southwesten autonomous county with national minority and typical area , the nature condition in youyang is bad and the economy falls behind and the soil erosion is serious . furthermore , the population increases quickly which results to steep slope farming and excessively opening up , so eco - environment accelerates rapidly . in the whole , youyang is an epitome of the area with soil and water erasion in western china
9.The carbonate area is to 32 thousands km2 and it occupies to 38 . 83 % of chongqing dimensionality area . and it mostly distributes in the northeast and southeast . the districts and vi counties , which carbonate distribution area is beyond 50 % of dimensionality area , include nantong , nanchuan , wulong , pengshui , qianjiang , youyang , xiushan , wuxi and chengkou
重庆市幅员面积8 . 24万km ~ 2 ,碳酸盐岩出露面积3 . 20万km ~ 2 ,占幅员面积的38 . 83 ,主要集中于渝东北和渝东南各县,其中碳酸盐岩面积占土地面积50以上的区县有南桐矿区、南川、武隆、彭水、黔江、酉阳、秀山、巫溪、城口,占30以上的县有丰都、奉节、巫山,石柱和涪陵都在28以上。
10.The author discusses the basic category of land sustainable use and construct theoretical foundation for demonstration and policy application by summarizing and inducing the private achievements . under the leading of the theories system , the author investigates systematically natural and economic conditions , the characteristic and the present condition of land resource use and discovers the problem and result of landuse in the county . at the same time , the writer forecasts the demand of some kinds of landuse by analyzing the conductive and exploiting potential from nature , economy and society
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