Ⅰ名词 1.(沉迷; 过分爱好) be addicted to; indulge in 短语和例子 陶醉 be intoxicated (with success, etc.); 心醉神迷 be in ecstasies over2.(用酒泡制) steep (crab, shrimp, etc.) in liquor 短语和例子 醉枣 steep jujubes in liquorⅡ名词 1.(饮酒过量; 神志不清) drunk; intoxicated; tipsy 短语和例子 半醉 be half drunk; 酩酊大醉 as drunk as a lord; 喝醉了酒 become intoxicated from wine; had a drop too much2.(用酒泡制的) liquor-saturated 短语和例子 醉蟹 liquor-saturated crab