| 1. | To investors he promised maintenance of the gold standard . 他向投资者保证维持金本位制。 |
| 2. | There is fair evidence to support this view from the behavior of prices in the gold-standard era . 根据金本位时代的物价行为,可以有充分证据来支持这一观点。 |
| 3. | Curiously enough, a successful gold standard, or any other commodity standard, would tend to eliminate itself . 奇怪的是,成功的金本位,或任何其他商品本位都会自行淘汰。 |
| 4. | Under a pure gold standard, every country's money is either made of gold or can be directly converted into gold . 在纯粹的金本位制度下,每一个国家的货币或者是由黄金铸成的,或者是可以直接兑换成黄金。 |
| 5. | When sterling finally went off the gold standard in 1931, bank of england notes ceased to be convertible into any other medium . 当英镑最后在1931年放弃金本位时,英格兰银行钞券停止兑换成任何其它媒介。 |
| 6. | This was the situation faced by great britain between the time it rejoined the gold standard in 1925 and forced off of it in 1931 . 这是英国在1925年恢复金本位至1931年又被迫放弃金本位这段时间所面临的处境。 |
| 7. | Gold, silver, and other commodity standards survived for many centuries but were then phased out in favor of the more convenient use of national paper currencies . 金本位,银本位和其他商品本位存在了许多世纪,而后逐步被淘汰,以利于更方便地采用各国纸币。 |
| 8. | That country came off the gold standard long ago 那个国家好久之前就放弃金本位制了。 |
| 9. | The monetary system of some countries used to be based on gold 过去有些国家的货币制度是金本位制的。 |
| 10. | A tentative analysis on the liang qi - chao ' s theory of gold exchange standard 析梁启超的虚金本位制货币理论 |