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English translation for "金融中介服务"

financial intermediation service

Related Translations:
中介蝮:  mamushi
金融:  finance; banking◇金融比率 financial ratios; 金融呆滞 financial stringency; 金融改革 financial reform; 金融改组 financial reorganization; 金融杠杆 monetary lever [leverage]; 金融公司 finance company; finance corpo
金融英语:  fect
金融研究:  finance by researchmba financial studies
现代金融:  modern finances
金融创新:  financial innovation
金融保险:  banking and insurance business
金融消息:  fjamalatidindi
消费金融:  consumer finance
金融的:  financial
Example Sentences:
1.Financial intermediation service
2.Next , it summarize the four basic economic functions of investment bank . first , they can offer the financial agency service
3.The capital markets , in particular the debt and equity markets , in hong kong should be used to serve the financial intermediation needs of the mainland
4.The stock exchange is privately run and provides in essence a monopolised channel in hong kong for financial intermediation through equity
5.Most importantly , they have continued to provide a safe , efficient and dependable channel of financial intermediation , through thick and thin in the past five most difficult and volatile years
6.M & a consultancy , the intermediate service to the balance - adjustment of the capital market , is one of the original and core businesses of investment banking , representing the future of investment banking in some sense
为企业并购( m & a )提供咨询、顾问策划等策略服务的并购业务,本质上是资本存量调整的金融中介服务,是投资银行的本源业务和核心业务。
7.This was because before implementing the reference rate method , all value of financial intermediation services ( including those not consumed by service industries ) were deducted from the aggregate value added of the services sector , based on the international convention made in 1968
8.We believe that they are capable of realising that it is in their long - term interest not to be engaged in business strategies that have the effect of undermining the general stability and effective working of the channels of financial intermediation for which they have been licensed as service providers
9.This is not to say that the intermediaries pay no attention to the public interest at all . some will agree with the policy - makers that , in the long run , the private interest of profit maximisation by the financial intermediaries and the public interest of effective financial intermediation should converge
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