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English translation for "金钱豹"

[ jīnqiánbào ] 
1.[动物学] leopard; panthera pardus
2.[植物学] (大花金钱豹) campanumoea javanica

Related Translations:
金钱豹石:  leopard skin
孙行者大战金钱豹:  monkey king conquers the leopard
马骝精大战金钱豹:  the battle between monkey king and gold-spotted leopard
Example Sentences:
1.Anaesthetic effect of miannaining on chinese leopard was observed and evaluated
2.Not only there are the rare birds and animals of yunnan , such as the elephant , gaur , palm tree neck hornbill , the tiger of mengla , black tail serpent of xishuangbanna , there are panda , black gibbon , leopard , leaf monkey in the northwest of yunnan and peacock of li river s side etc . ; there are still the local rare animal , such as the gold silk monkey , northeast tiger , giant panda , big eagle . etc . ; there are even the foreign visitors , such as australia kangaroo , cassowary , panther , african zebra , giraffe . etc
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