| 1. | Guilt silver plate with dragon design liao dynasty 银鎏金堑纹嵌板辽 |
| 2. | A store of gilt bronze buddha statues found out in chicheng county , hebei 河北赤城发现鎏金铜造像窖藏 |
| 3. | Gold and silver gilding techniques in the western han dynasty of china 两件西汉时期鎏金与鎏银青铜器镀层中的金属化合物 |
| 4. | On gold gilding fittings there ' s a layer of transparent sand ` ` very firm 鎏金刀装上有一层非常牢固的沙子有些透明的` `很牢固 |
| 5. | Fourteen copper bells hang from its copper canopy on top of which is a gilt ball like a flame 塔顶有两层铜质伞盖,其边缘悬14个铜钟,最上为鎏金火焰宝珠塔刹。 |
| 6. | But this dao should not over 1000 years old . if it ' s silver gold gilding you should be more cautious 但那刀应不到千年,民间有“银不吃金“之说,如是银鎏金的话要格外慎重。 |
| 7. | Without human participants , no process or tool in the world could alone finish a software project 归根结底,无论是项目按时完成还是发布高质量的系统,都很大程度上依赖于参胝吒鎏迦砑 |
| 8. | What a stately honor double axe . the large and beautiful gold gilding mouth and the grip throw off royal tolerance 好威严大气的仪仗双斧,硕大精美的鎏金睚眦吞口和柄首无不透着皇家的气度! |
| 9. | Tasted silver gilding jian head , different from the usual one in late qing dynasty , and maybe made especially for himself 鎏银剑首很有味道,与常见的清末剑不同.风格独特,可能是专门为个人量身打造 |
| 10. | Gold plating , nice . rare . . this jian should be used for official and squire . it can show your present status if you hang it on waist 鎏金的,不错.少见. .这剑应是官宦,大地主用的.把手机撂啦,把这剑挂在腰上,也可显示你现在的身份,哈哈 |