[ zhōnglīngyùxiú ] a place endowed with the fine spirits of the universe; this well-endowed region has brought forward men of talent
Example Sentences:
Qingpu is a district more than 6 , 000 years of human history & civilization the beautiful natural environment makes it more neat & graceful 青浦是一个有着六千万年历史文明的人文璀璨之地,丰饶秀丽的自然环境使之更加钟灵毓秀。
For over six dynasties , nanjing was among the china s most famous cities . it boasted numerous scenic spots and historical sites in its wonderful and long history 南京,东方的钟灵毓秀之地,中国恢宏的历史曾在这里演绎了风姿焯灼的六朝文明。
Nature bestows beautiful landscapes upon zhongshan . the city was awarded the title of " china ' s excellent tourism city " in 2000 . in 2005 , its tourism receipts totaled 6 . 55 billion yuan 中山钟灵毓秀、风光绮丽。 2000年,中山荣获“中国优秀旅游城市”的称号。 2005年,全市旅游业总收入为65 . 5亿元。
Will it be may 27 2001 , channel u in established by xiang river by pretty hillfoot of yuelu mountain , face city crowd , terrestrial surface radiation only synthesizes the channel 2001年5月27日,湖南电视台都市频道在钟灵毓秀的麓山之侧、湘水之滨横空出世,是面向都市人群、地面辐射的唯一综合频道。
According to legend , an indian monk who liked travelling in a wooden cup was believed to have lodged at where the monastery now stands . attracted by the natural wonders and the peaceful environment , he built a cottage there for practicing meditation 相传有一位印度佛教高僧,喜欢坐一只大木杯云游四海,最后来到青山,因眷恋青山钟灵毓秀,在山上建舍修道,自此,杯渡禅师之名不胫而走。