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English translation for "钻石矿"

the diamond mines

Related Translations:
修整钻石:  dressing bit
钻石之:  diamond
钻石金刚石:  diamond colorimeter
温泉钻石:  hot spring diamond
抛光钻石:  polished diamond
疯狂钻石:  crazy diamond
钻石鲽:  diamond flounder
钻石棉:  diamond cotton
钻石分绿钻石分类:  classification of diamond
Example Sentences:
1.Assumed dead when his illegal diamond mine collapsed in malaya
2.Our ekati diamond and mine is one of the world s largest gem quality diamond producers
3.But he needed money , so the lucrative diamond mines in neighbouring sierra leone beckoned
4.The company deals with the prospecting mining processing and sale of diamonds mined in the catoca region
5.The park is the world ' s only publicly operated diamond site where visitors are allowed to search and keep any gems they find
6." in one case , " he continues , " we trained a class of security officers from the canadian diamond mining industry in the northwest territories
7." she started screaming and all the staff thought she had been electrocuted , " said clifford elphick , head of gem diamond mining , which owns 70 percent of the mine
拥有该钻石矿70股权的负责人克里福德埃菲克说: “她尖叫着,以至于所有的人都以为她触电了。 ”
8." she started screaming and all the staff thought she had been electrocuted , " said clifford elphick , head of gem diamond mining , which owns 70 percent of the mine
拥有该钻石矿70股权的负责人克里福德?埃菲克说: “她尖叫着,以至于所有的人都以为她触电了。 ”
9.The lesotho diamond was found at the letseng diamond mine high in the mountains of the tiny nation which is surrounded by south africa , by a woman who was sorting through the rocks
10.Apart from the occasional internet hook - up at a diamond mine or un camp , whole regions of congo and sudan , sub - saharan africa ' s two largest countries , have no connection at all
Similar Words:
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