Carry forward the reforms of government institutes in china 访国家行政学院副院长唐铁汉研究员
When people ask of her inspiration , she utters only " mei lan - fang " , the actor who famously played female roles 戴上假发涂上口红,铁汉顿变小鸟依人,与同性情人爱得轰烈。
It deals a massive blow to his credibility as a tough man with tough policies that can bring russians security 人们相信他这个政策强硬的铁汉可以给俄罗斯带来安全,但这次事件对此予以了重大打击。
Lau ching wan running out of time , la brassiere , itchy heart and pop starlet joey yung are the leads in this romantic comedy 铁汉柔情,美人生须一段发生在街市的恋情,由刘青云及容祖儿这对全新的银幕组合浪漫演绎。
He also earned audience affections as a supporting cast , playing leung foon , the loyal but child - like disciple in the long - running wong fei - hung series 曹达华忠肝义胆又憨厚老实的电影形象,让他获得银坛铁汉美誉,深受观众爱戴。
In cooperation with the hualien district prosecutors office , the hualien center convened a mid - autumn festival prayer event for ex - prisoners on parole , when the parolees came to make their routine report . the sincere intention of the initiates was to help these hardened men , who had sustained mental wounds , to pray for themselves , for their families and for world peace . it was also hoped that their souls would be elevated indiscernibly 花莲小中心与地检署协同,以祈福大会庆中秋的方式办理受保护管束者报到手续,诚挚地希望这群心灵受过创伤的铁汉能将他们刚强的个性,转移注意力来为自己为家人祈福,甚至祈求世界和平,而在无形中提升自我心灵。
The most touching moment of the event occurred when a prayer was read aloud on behalf of all those present , while the tape of master singing " nam mo quan yin bodhisattva " was being played . the participants lowered their heads and prayed in silence and some of these stern men even shed tears from the depths of their hearts . the initiates could truly feel that god and the saints were blessing the assembly 活动最感人的一刻,是祈福仪式时,在播放师父诵唱南无观世音菩萨录音带声中,担任司仪的同修为大众念祈福文,只见所有参与者低头默默祈祷,有些铁汉更流下了至诚的泪水,我们真的感受到十方三世佛正加持著会场,是师父的爱融化了这群冰封已久的灵魂。