[ tiěwàn ] iron hand 短语和例子 用铁腕手段 by a strong hand; 俾斯麦用铁腕手段统治德国。 bismarck ruled germany by a strong hand.; 铁腕人物 ironhanded person; strong man; a despotic [tyrannical] person
" he has a very , very strong image across europe . "他是全欧洲非常非常铁腕的人物。
Ruling a monarchy with an iron fist involves different challenges from governing a republic 铁腕君主制将面对共和制各方面的挑战。
Boss , suicide continues to happen in the company after the application of your iron - hand policy 老板,自从你推行铁腕政策后就不断有员工自杀。
Humbled though he has been , mr bush remains the dominant figure both in domestic politics and abroad 尽管经历了严重挫败,但是布什总统在国内外事务当中仍然是一个铁腕形象。
And , if your clients hold strong values around something , they want to know that you cherish the same values , that you won ' t run roughshod over them . , 如果你的客户拥有强大的价值观左右东西,他们想知道你珍惜你有相同的价值观,那你不会实行铁腕政策
Foreign investors looking at china often swoon at the country ' s vast potential but are driven mad by its conflicting and heavy - handed policies 国外投资者在看中国时往往会着迷于这个国家巨大的潜力,但往往接着要被许许多多互相抵触的铁腕政策弄得头疼。
Making sure james handles his business as a respectful employee on the court is brown ' s job , but in today ' s world the coach seldom rules with an iron fist 确保让詹姆斯以一个尊重主教练的雇佣者身份出现在场上,则是布朗的工作。不过在如今这个世界,教练很少会用铁腕管理球队。
Because of the decomposition of sovie union and the independence of mid - asia countries , the national consciousness resurrects rapidly and the religious activities are in full swing 苏联的解体、中亚五国的独立,捂住“潘多拉盒子”的铁腕松开,中亚地区的民族意识迅速复兴,宗教活动空前活跃。
Under the fixed and inquiring gaze levelled at him from under those beautiful black eyebrows , he prudently turned away , and calmed himself immediately , daunted by the power of a resolute mind 在他女儿询问的凝视之下,面对着那两条带有疑问表情的美丽的黑眉毛,他小心地转过头去,立刻用谨慎的铁腕平静了自己。