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English translation for "银行准备金"

bank reserve

Related Translations:
总准备金:  aggregate reserves
内部准备金:  internal reserves
发行准备金:  reserve against notesreserves against notes
亏损准备金:  reserve against loss
总合准备金:  aggregate reserves
贬值准备金:  reserve for depreciation
偿还准备金:  recourse fundsinking fund
风险准备金:  loan loss provision, provisions of riskloan loss provision/ provisions of risk
汇兑准备金:  exchange fund
保险准备金:  insurance reserves
Example Sentences:
1.Bank reserve requirements
2.A string of interest - rate rises and increases in banks ' reserve requirements have had little effect so far
3.Even though inflation is now coming down , most economists believe further tightening of monetary policy and banking reserve ratios lies ahead
4.Pboc raised the amount that commercial banks must hold in reserves to 12 . 5 percent last week , in order to strengthen liquidity management in the banking system and curb the fast rise in loans
为了加强银行系统流动性资金的管理和控制贷款的快速增强,中国人民银行上周提高了银行准备金率达到12 . 5 。
5.Money su ly in the united states is managed mainly by the federal reserve board through its bank reserve requirements , the discount rate it charges to banks for money , as well as its open market operatio conducted through the i uance of securities
6.Money supply in the united states is managed mainly by the federal reserve board through its bank reserve requirements , the discount rate it charges to banks for money , as well as its open market operations conducted through the issuance of securities
7.A main result is that monetary policy effects on bank lending depend on capital adequacy of banking sector , lending by banks with low capital has a negative reaction to monetary shocks relative to well capitalized banks
导论部分对研究背景、相关文献和文章逻辑结构进行了陈述。第一章为“银行信贷渠道述评以及银行准备金” 。第一节,介绍货币政策传导的银行信贷渠道。
8.The rate rise , the first by the people ' s bank of china since october 2004 , surprised the markets , which had expected beijing to use a combination of administrative measures and higher reserve requirements for banks to rein in credit growth
9.Combined with a maturity mismatch on the bank ’ s balance sheet , this give rise to a bank capital channel by which monetary policy affects bank lending through its impact on bank capital . in the third part , bank level empirical data in china are investigated
银行信贷渠道分为资产负债表渠道和银行贷款渠道,其中紧缩货币政策下,银行贷款渠道的传导路径是紧缩性货币政策(改变银行准备金)银行贷款利率投资需求产出gdp ,反之则相反。
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