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English translation for "银质奖"

silver medal

Related Translations:
银质奖章:  medal in silver giltmedal in silver-gilt
银质奖章获得者:  silver medallist
Example Sentences:
1.To be awarded a golden silver medal
2.1981 awarded centennial silver medal by society of designer - craftsmen
3.Shaanxi weihe power plant ( 2 300mw ) project , phase ii won the state excellent design silver medal in 1999
陕西渭河电厂二期工程, 2 300mw机组, 1999年荣获国家优秀设计银质奖
4.Sichuan guangan power plant project phase i ( 2 300mw ) , won the state excellent design silver medal in 2002
四川广安电厂一期工程, 2 300mw机组, 2002年荣获国家优秀设计银质奖
5.It was awarded the state silver medal and got the first of the same products appraised through comparison within the country
销量约占全国风油精市场60 % ,曾荣获国家银质奖,全国同类产品评比第一名。
6.We have been awarded the first class award of national high technology energy saving production
该设备曾分别荣获“中国食品机械博览会金杯奖” , “国际食品机械博览会银质奖” , “中国星火计划名优产品奖” 。
7.The diamond drilling bits and reaming shells were awarded the state silver medal and series of wireline drilling tools wined a national championship in 1991
8.First place winners were awarded a silver medal , an olive branch and a diploma . those in second place were given a copper medal , a branch of laurel and a diploma
9.In 1982 , the 6160 - 9 diesel engine has awarded national silver medal of quality . 6160 diesel engine has been optimum power for generating , shipping and irrigation
1982年, 6160 ? 9增压型柴油机获国家质量银质奖。 6160型柴油机成为发电、船舶、排灌的最佳动力。
10.Libre confederation francaise salon international - diplome d hononneur medaille d argent , the belgian national gold medal for art , the french national golden medal , and a class one
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