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English translation for "铸钱"

mint money

Related Translations:
铸谷:  itani
电铸:  (利用电解作用获得金属复制品的一种方法)1.[冶金学] (电冶; 电解成型) electroforming; electroform2.[印刷] electrotyping; galvanoplasty; galvanoplastics (制版法)◇电铸成型 electrotyping forming; 电铸制版法 galvanography
连铸:  cc dr processcontinuous casting direct rolling processo continuous casting
铸坑:  [工业] foundry pit; casting pit
铸压:  coining
铸塑:  cast
铸废品:  off castoffcast
整体铸:  integral casting
干铸:  dry casting
铸漏:  bleedbreak outrun-out
Example Sentences:
1.Some problems on currency of song state of the southern dynasties
2.Analysis on a piece of pagoda - shaped relief unearthed from a mint remains at zhenjiang
3.This production value should in fact have been determined by the commodity market
4.The fact that the qing government exercised a monopoly over producing copper - bronze coinage , and so influenced the cost of producing the specie , meant that copper - bronze could not realise its actual value
5.To stabilise price ratios on commodity markets , the yongzheng emperor , after serious reflection , enacted a thoroughgoing reform , and , for a long time thereafter , until the reign of the qianlong emperor , the total cost of coining specie was held at a low rate below one hang per one thousand wen of copper - bronze cash
6.Finally , several application standarded areas of foluranted polymers were proceeded , for example , practice to big wild goose pogoda of tang dynasty , to banpo archaeological site of yanshao time , to zhongshan grotto sandstone of jin period , to zhongguan mint pottery mould of han dynasty , and to neolithic polychrome pottery , etc . the research clearly expressed that two of fluranted polymers proposed the excellent anti - chemicals ; good bear aging and wonderful size stability
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