well-proportioned; (the branches and leaves) are well-spaced; proper distribution of trees [plants] in painting; well-arranged
Example Sentences:
And you move your voice up and down 然后让它错落有致罢了
Real programmers never right justify text that will be read on a fixed - character - width medium 真正的程序员将文本写得错落有致。
This up - and - down geography makes vermont seem much larger than its outline on the map 这种高低错落有致的地形使弗蒙特州的地域较地图上更加广大。
It is impressive , in picturesque disorder to level the clean , magnificent buildings in the wide street , noticeable 宽阔的大街平整乾净,宏伟的建筑群气势磅礴错落有致,引人注目。
It is impressive , in picturesque disorder to level the clean , magnificent buildings in the wide street , noticeable 宽阔的大街平整乾净,宏伟的建筑群气势磅礴、错落有致,引人注目。
With its central district located at the confluence of jialing and yangtze rivers , chongqing is built on hilly land 重庆中心城区为长江、嘉陵江所环抱,各类建筑依山傍水,错落有致,素以美丽的“山城”著称于世。
Three groups of six single layer construction , building common services for the outsourcing industry to undertake the modernization of buildings 三组错落有致的六大单体建筑,共同构建为承接服务外包产业的现代化楼宇。
Locations are beautifully landscaped in accordance with feng shui principles , and special lecturers explain their significance along the way 房屋院落都依照风水的规则而造,错落有致。一路有专门的解说员讲解风水的重要性。
Locations are beautifully landscaped in accordance with ( 15 ) feng shui principles , and special lecturers explain their significance along the way 房屋院落都依照风水的规则而造,错落有致。一路有专门的解说员讲解风水的重要性。