Stay in your lane and follow the traffic signs and traffic cones placed on or by the road to guide you 你应该沿著本身的行车行驶,并遵照路面或路边的标志,以及锥形交通路标的指示行驶。
A section of leighton road between its western junction with caroline hill road and hysan avenue will be coned off to allow two lanes of eastbound traffic ( 7 )礼顿道与加路连山道及希慎道之西面交界位置将会放置胶制锥形交通路标以开辟两条东行行车道。
The section of leighton road between hysan avenue and caroline hill road ( west ) will be coned off to allow two lanes of traffic in an eastbound direction ( 6 )介乎希慎道与加路连山道西行的一段礼顿道将会放置胶制锥形交通路标,以开辟两条东行行车道。