Does anyone have any bibliographies which proved that the specialist of the bin iron is similar with uzi steel 是否有文献提及镔铁的特征,而这些特征与乌兹相符?
Does anyone have the proof , such as the material of the relics carved with 镔 铁 ( bin iron ) are uzi steel 是否有实物可证明?如一出土文物铭文有镔铁二字,而经验证材质是乌兹。
I have ever heard that the bin iron is the uzi iron . however , for the sake , i just want to ask for the reason 小弟曾听几位前辈提及镔铁就是乌兹,不过为了慎重起见,小弟想追问一句有什么考据吗?