With a lifetime before her, the length of books was no hindrance . 她的有生之年尚多,长篇累牍并无妨害。
Better have skill than property . better be virtuous than learned . better keep your word than be eloquent . better write well than profusely 万贯家财,不如一技在身。满腹经纶,不如一善在心。高谈阔论,不如一言九鼎。长篇累牍,不如一字千金。
The dwarves have lengthy sagas , eddas , and histories concerning their deeds , wars , and adventures , but these are not shared with the outside world 他们有长篇累牍的传说,史诗,以及关于英勇事迹,战争和冒险的历史;但这些都不为外人所共享。
Although the pictures inside showed less skin than u . s . issues 50 years ago , copies were being passed from desk to desk in jakarta offices , high demand was reported , and newspapers and broadcasters dwelt at length on the indonesian issue 虽然所登照片展露的皮肉比50年前美国创刊号还少,但在雅加达的办公室,杂志仍从这桌传阅到那桌,报导指其需求量甚高,而报纸、广播电视长篇累牍着墨印尼版创刊号。