After a restful voyage, we were welcomed by the war cabinet and chiefs of staff . 这次安适的航行结束后,我们受到了战时内阁阁员和三军参谋长们的欢迎。
Members of the cabinet are chosen by the prime minister 内阁阁员是由首相挑选的
Each member of the cabinet stated his views on the question 每位阁员都就这一问题谈了自己的看法。
Cabinet ministers are generally selected by the prime minister 内阁阁员通常(一般)是由首相挑选的。
It exists if a majority of the cabinet , including yourself , says it exists 只要多数阁员和你有共识就行
In an open letter to the times as ex - cabinet minister was highly critical of the government ' s economic policy 在给《时代周刊》的一封公开信中,一位前内阁阁员对政府的经济政策持激烈的批评态度。
Ministers described the animal welfare bill , which applies to england and wales , as the most significant such legislation for nearly a century 阁员们形容这项将适用于英格兰与威尔斯两地的动物福利法案,是近100年来这一类立法中最具重大意义者。
The newly appointed premier chang chun - hsiung last night announced a second cabinet shakeup , under which the council for cultural affairs , the council of indigenous peoples and the atomic energy council will get new heads , and many other cabinet posts will not be reshuffled 新任命的阁揆张俊雄昨晚宣布第二波的内阁改组名单,文建会、原住民委员会与原子能委员会将有新的首长,同时许多其他的内阁阁员将不会有异动。