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English translation for "阅读杂志"

read a magazine

Related Translations:
阅读单位:  unit of reading
阅读资料:  oet
托福阅读:  reading comprehension in toefl
阅读平面图:  reading a floor plan
阅读入门:  the abc of reading
消遣阅读:  recreation reading
磁卡阅读机:  magnetic card readerstrip card readerstrip-card reader
难以阅读的:  illegible
图表阅读机:  chart reader
文件阅读机:  document reader
Example Sentences:
1.We whiled away the time at the airport reading magazines .
2.I had been so enthralled by reading the serial stories in the magazine supplement .
3.We whiled away the time at the airport reading magazines
4.Before reading on , you may like to check it out : it s called
5.Online magazines ! flip - book magazines are a revolution is how magazines are viewed and distributed digitally
Flip - books电子期刊打破了传统阅读杂志的方式,将杂志内容压缩成小小的
6.Male respondents in general had a preference for electronic games , comic books and newspapers while female respondents , for magazines and going to the cinema
7.Those who performed poorly in language examinations tended to spend a lot of time on electronic games , watching television , listening to pop music , and reading magazine and comic books
8.Above all , the quan yin web sites transcend both time and spatial constraints to bring you the news magazine online anytime and anywhere - a privilege unaffordable in the print format . efficient and easy
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