| 1. | Escort service can be provided for residents of residential units while they are on home leave 现正接受院舍服务人士在假期回家时需要护送服务,亦在考虑之列。 |
| 2. | Admissions to residential care services are co - ordinated by the residential care services delivery system for the elders 各类安老院舍的轮候和编配事宜,由安老院舍服务编配系统统筹。 |
| 3. | " the assessment will help the government identify problem areas and shortcomings of the present elderly home services , including disease surveillance 发言人说:评估有助政府找出安老院舍服务存在的问题及不足之处,包括疾病监测。 |
| 4. | At present , the social welfare department ( swd ) contracts out residential care services through open tender . this mode of providing residential care services has been in place since 2001 社会福利署(社署)目前透过公开招标方式批出安老院舍服务合约,这模式自二一年推行以来,一直沿用至今。 |
| 5. | Residential care for the elderly is a highly labour - intensive human service . the quality of care very much depends on the attitude and care provided by the front - line care workers 社联认为整个计划的大前题应是提供优质服务,而且由于安老院舍服务极耗人力,其服务质素主要依赖前线服务提供者的态度和关顾。 |
| 6. | Residential care for the elderly is a highly labour - intensive human service . the quality of care very much depends on the attitude and care provided by the front - line care workers 社联认为整个计划的大前题应是提供优质服务,而且由于安老院舍服务极耗人力,其服务质素主要依赖前线服务提供者的态度和关顾。 |
| 7. | We shall also make the optimal use of resources coming from various sectors and cooperate fully with various agencies to aim for better performance in various areas , such as housing , institutional services and community support 此外,我们也会配合来自各方的资源,与各界衷诚合作,务求在房屋、院舍服务和社区支援等方面有更好的表现。 |
| 8. | If and when a child ceases to receive the residential service , the subject social worker will continue to follow up the case to safeguard the best interest of the child by conducting home visits and physical contacts with the child 有关儿童一旦停止接受院舍服务,负责的社工会继续跟进个案,通过进行家访和亲身接触,保障该儿童的最佳利益。 |
| 9. | We also spend 2 . 6 billion annually on comprehensive support and rehabilitation services for people with disabilities . these services include basic life skills training , home care , day and residential services , and transportation services 此外,政府每年投入约二十六亿元,为残疾人士提供多方面的支援和康复照顾,包括基本生活技能训练家居照顾日间及院舍服务和交通服务等。 |
| 10. | We also spend $ 2 . 6 billion annually on comprehensive support and rehabilitation services for people with disabilities . these services include basic life skills training , home care , day and residential services , and transportation services 此外,政府每年投入约二十六亿元,为残疾人士提供多方面的支援和康复照顾,包括基本生活技能训练、家居照顾、日间及院舍服务和交通服务等。 |