Lead is also used in some ceramic and vinyl products , candles , hair colorings and other goods 铅也能用于陶陶器、乙烯基产品、蜡烛、染发剂和其他物品。
Besides , there are four most famous moon cake productors ? guangzhou restaurant , taotao ju restaurant , lianxianglou restaurant and wuxiang bakery 另外,这里还是“广式月饼“四大生产巨头? ?广州酒家、陶陶居、莲香楼和趣香饼家荟萃之地。
You have lots of fun at shangxiajiu pedestrian street : shopping , sightseeing its unique architecture , enjoying famous guangzhou snack foods at liwan gourmet district and even having a closer look of local residents daily lives . there are many tea houses with hundred years of experience , such as guangzhou restaurant , lianxiang lao and taotao mansion providing tired pedestrians the place for quality tea to relax 走一趟上下九步行街,除了可以看建筑购物,到荔湾名食家吃道地的广式点心,更可以近距离地贴近广州人的生活,这里有数家历史悠久的茶楼,如广州酒家莲香楼陶陶居,逛累了随时可进入茶楼中,体会广州人叹茶的功夫。