difference in profession makes one feel worlds apart
Example Sentences:
Do not read the small occupation , is the so - called insiders , such as the small circle drive sheep as you do things you would not do it . not , then to try 千万别小看了这个职业,正所谓隔行如隔山,小到诸如赶羊如圈这样的事情你都不一定会做,不信,那就来试试?
Major is crossed to enter oneself for an examination between science department , when the choice is professional , best choice and oneself the major of this professional close , difference in profession makes one feel worlds apart , it is a bit a bit better to be returned between science of liberal art , society , the difference is bigger between manage engineering course , enter oneself for an examination other major is about start all over again , begin to learn from the beginning , nature should give more trouble 理科之间跨专业报考,选择专业时,最好选择与自己本专业相近的专业,隔行如隔山,文科、社会科学之间还稍好一点,理工科之间差别更大,报考其他专业就要另起炉灶,从头开始学习,自然要付出更多的辛劳。