| 1. | The boss saddled her with all the most difficult customers . 老板把那些最难应付的顾客全推给她了。 |
| 2. | Customers that are not satisfied and complain because you have not met their needs or wants 难应付的客户客户由于自己的需要或要求未得到满足而不满并投诉。 |
| 3. | And it is often the subtle political interference rather than the blatant interference that is most difficult to deal with 最难应付的,往往是较隐晦的,而并非公然的干预。 |
| 4. | " in addition to them i think france will be trying to avenge what happened in 2002 , so they could also be a tough team 此外我认为,法国在经历了2002年世界杯的惨痛教训后,一定会知耻而后勇,届时一定也是一支非常难应付的队伍。 ” |
| 5. | At least yu goes easy on the red - blooded nationalism : japanese star shido nakamura is allowed a measure of honor as huo ' s final nemesis 至少,在强烈的民族主义问题上他能泰然处之:日本影星田中安野有幸被安排为霍元甲的最后一个最难应付的对手。 |
| 6. | “ no , no , no , ” replied this individual , who was blond and vigorous and by nature a little irritable and contentious 重神似不重形似“这是在讨论翻译问题时常说的一句话。傅雷?人间喜剧,约翰。克利斯朵夫,最难应付的是原文中最简单最明白而最短。 |
| 7. | These plans had already been greatly expanded and rigorously tested in advance of the y2k transition . they cannot specifically address every possible disaster - whether at home or elsewhere - but we are pretty confident that they are robust and flexible enough to enable us to maintain our core operations in all but the most unmanageable situations 当然,这些计划不可能应付每一件可能发生的灾难事故无论是在本港或其他地区发生但我们很有信心,相信应变计划相当稳健,并具备灵活性,让我们即使在最难应付的情况下,也能维持核心业务运作。 |