险寨雄关: strategic stockade and impregnable pass; strategic pass
Example Sentences:
About various guestrooms 77 , rooms are allocated with the advanced vingcare electronic card keys 居于此,碧海金沙,帆影点点,巍巍雄关,长城蜿蜒的美丽景观尽入眼帘。
These two grand passes of ancient times , yangguan which is 70 km south of dunhuang , and yumen pass which is 90 km northwest of dunhuang , were important passageways to central asia , india and europe 古阳关在敦煌市南70公里处,古玉门关在敦煌市西北90公里处,两座雄关,一南一北,是古代通往中亚印度欧洲的重要关卡。
The jiayuguan pass tower , strategically located between the qilian mountain and mazong mountain , guards the east - west passageway at the western end of the great wall and is the best preserved pass . surrounded by three inner and outer walls and several lines of defense , jiayuguan was a vital military stronghold of defense 嘉峪关城楼,向南至终年积雪的祁连山下讨赖河畔,明长城依山势起伏隐现,向北到黑山悬崖,长城蜿蜒绵亘,嘉峪关城楼位于祁连山与马鬃山这间狭长咽喉地带的最窄处,镇守东西通道,是万里长城西端险要关隘,也是长城沿线保存得最完整的一座雄关,嘉峪关城由三重城郭多道防线,形成重城并守之势,构成一个壁垒森严的军事防御工程。