卫: Ⅰ动词(保卫) defend; guard; protect 短语和例子自卫 self-defence; 保卫 protect; defend; 防卫 defend; 保家卫国 protect our homes and defend our countryⅡ名词1.(周朝国名) wei, a state in the zhou dynasty2.(姓氏) a surnam
雄: Ⅰ形容词1.(生物中能产生精细胞的) male 短语和例子雄冬青 male holly; 雄猫 male cat; tomcat; 它是雄的还是雌的? is it a male or a female?2.(有气魄的) grand; imposing 短语和例子雄伟 imposing; magnificent3.(强有力的) powerful; mighty 短语和例子雄兵