Thomas, except for the ferocious, muscular, overtrained body, looked surprisingly the same . 托马斯,除了那个雄赳赳的,肌肉发达的,训练过度的身躯看来还是老样子,简直出人意外。
An aged priestly warrior towered up, august and formidable, with his hand upon his dagger . 一个上了年纪的和尚模样的战士,屹然而立,雄赳赳的,容貌可畏,一只手放在他的短剑之上。
A tall creature, whose eyes were large and brown, whose face was rosy and ironical, entered with a manly stride . 一个高个儿,长着大大的、棕色的眼睛,一张又红又带有讽刺的面孔,雄赳赳地大踏步走了进来。
Returned indian officer . bravely he bore his stumpy body forward on spatted feet , squaring his shoulders 他端着膀子,迈着戴鞋罩的脚,雄赳赳地移动那矮粗身躯。
He was obviously thinking of nothing at the moment , but that he was marching before his commander in fine style 看来在这个时刻,他除了雄赳赳气昂昂地从首长身边走过而外,心里什么也不想。
They are out tumultuously , off for a minute s race , all bravely legging it , burke s of denzille and holles their ulterior goal 他们喧嚣地冲出去,雄赳赳地参加一分钟的赛跑,最终目的地乃是登尔和霍利斯这两条街交叉处的伯克。
The advertisement by paignton zoo called for a " big , hairy male . " the zoo said a red - blooded suitor was needed for chinta , who is of prime breeding age 佩根顿动物园这则广告,该园需要一只大型、毛茸茸的公猩猩。该园说,正处于黄金生育年龄的琴塔,需要一名雄赳赳的追求者。
Anatole went out of the room , and a few minutes later he came back wearing a fur pelisse , girt with a silver belt , and a sable cap , jauntily stuck on one side , and very becoming to his handsome face 阿纳托利从房里走出来,过了几分钟又走回来,他身穿一件束着银腰带的短皮袄,雄赳赳地歪歪地戴着一顶与他那清秀的面孔很相称的貂皮帽子。
He was now wearing an adjutants uniform , with one epaulette and a shoulder knot . he walked with a jaunty strut , which would have been ridiculous if he had not been so handsome , and if his good - looking face had not expressed such simple - hearted satisfaction and good spirits 现在他穿着一套带肩章和穗带的副官制服,迈着稳重的雄赳赳的步伐向前走,假如他长得不清秀,假如他那好看的脸上不流露着和善的洋洋自得和愉快的神态,他的步伐就会令人发笑了。
Nesvitsky looked round and saw , fifteen paces away , separated from him by a living mass of moving infantry , the red and black and tousled face of vaska denisov with a forage - cap on the back of his head , and a pelisse swung jauntily over his shoulder . tell them to make way , the damned devils ! roared denisov , who was evidently in a great state of excitement 涅斯维茨基回头一看,看见了瓦西卡杰尼索夫,他离涅斯维茨基有十五步路远,一大群向前移动的步兵把他们隔开了杰尼索夫两脸通红,头发黝黑,十分蓬乱,后脑勺上戴着一顶军帽,雄赳赳地披着一件骠骑兵披肩。