| 1. | Redirect is need when a container is damaged 当容器遭受破坏时,需要用到重定向。 |
| 2. | This is where you need your loo roll tube 现在我们需要用到卫生纸的卷芯了 |
| 3. | Need a pc for work or school projects 在工作或学习上是否需要用到电脑? |
| 4. | Money is not everything . there ' s mastercard & visa 钞票不是万能的,有时还需要用到信用卡 |
| 5. | Set a date for when the money is needed to accomplish the goal 设定需要用到这笔金额的日期 |
| 6. | I hope you never need to use it 我希望你们永远都不需要用到它! |
| 7. | These cards are useful for you 那您就需要用到下面的介面卡 |
| 8. | If i can be of any help to you , that will be my pleasure 有什么需要用到小黎的地方,那我将不胜荣幸。 |
| 9. | To access databases in perl , the perl database interface 要使用perl访问数据库,就需要用到perl数据库接口( |
| 10. | If you cannot find the xquery function you need , you can write your own 如果你找不到你需要用到的函数,你可以自己书写。 |