莫如: would be better; might as well 短语和例子与其坐在家里发闷, 莫如出去走走。 it would be better to go for a walk than stay at home all alone. 他想, 既然来到了门口, 莫如跟着进去看看。 now that he'd come to the door, he thought he
物莫如新友莫如旧: everything is good when new but friendship when old
与其坐在家里发闷莫如出去走走: it would be better to go for a walk than stay at home all alone
公: Ⅰ形容词1.(属于国家或集体的) state-owned; collective; public 短语和例子公物 public possessions; 公关 public relations2.(共同的;大家承认的) common; general 短语和例子公分母 common denominator; 公约 convention; pact3.(属于国际间的) int