| 1. | We fight , or we do n't , it 's an either-or decision . 我们要么打,要么不打,非此即彼,没有别的出路。 |
| 2. | It will become all one thing , or all the other 它会只有一种制度,非此即彼。 |
| 3. | You answer either / or questions with yes 你用是回答非此即彼的问题。 |
| 4. | Usually , metaphysics is regarded as the absolutizational thought in the way of ether this or that 摘要通常认为,形而上学是“非此即彼”的绝对化思维方式。 |
| 5. | Both market and government have their limitations , so what to be done is to balance them 市场有失灵,政府管制也同样有缺陷,现实的选择并不是非此即彼,而应该是对同样具有缺陷的二者的权衡。 |
| 6. | It is no longer an either - or question of whether the first microbes arose on earth or arrived from space 这已不再是“最初的微生物要不是发源于地球,就是来自外层空间”这种非此即彼的问题。 |
| 7. | A pair of complementary antonyms is characterized by the feature that the denial of one member of the pair implies the assertion of the other 互补反义词具有这样的特征,否定其中一个就意味着肯定另一个。也就是说,是一个非此即彼、非彼即此的问题。 |
| 8. | As economists alan s . manne of stanford and richard g . richels of the electric power research institute discuss in the nature , it isn ' t an either - or question 正如斯坦福大学的经济学家艾伦?曼勒和电力研究所的理查德?瑞奇在《自然》杂志上讨论的那样,这并不是一个非此即彼的问题。 |
| 9. | The modern theories of the firm are rested on two assumptions , in which either the number and quality of the product is fixed , or the transaction costs of intangible idea is zero 科斯和张五常的企业理论可以看作是建立在这样一个非此即彼的假定之上:或者假定产品的数量和质量维度给定不变,或者假定所有的产品创意的交易费用为零。 |
| 10. | Traditional clustering analysis sorts of mechanical classification , which strict partition every identification object to a class . that has a character of exclude each other , and so the boundary is clearly 传统的聚类分析是一种硬划分,它把每个待辨识的对象严格地划分到某个类中,具有非此即彼的性质,因此这种分类的类别界限是分明的。 |