| 1. | Of that total , about 2 . 4 billion was lost to copying movies to videocassettes , dvds or video cds 其中, 24亿美元的损失是由非法复制的录影带dvd和vcd造成。 |
| 2. | Scientists warn of a growing industry that is producing illegal copies of the anti - malaria drug artesunate 科学家警告说,非法复制抗疟疾药物青蒿素的产业正在增大。 |
| 3. | And this estimate does not even include the revenues made by illegal copying and other forms of piracy 而且这个估计值,还不包括非法复制与其他盗用行为所赚取的营收。 |
| 4. | Illegal copies of tv programmes have been put on internet auction sites and for free download and viewing 非法复制的电视节目经常被放上互联网站上拍卖,及供免费下载及收看。 |
| 5. | In countries where the average citizen cannot afford to pay the fees , they either do without localized software or resort to illegal copying 在一般公民无力支付这种费用的国家,人们要么不使用本地化软件,要么进行非法复制。 |
| 6. | The infringements of integrate circuit layout design include illegal reproduction , illegally commercial use , etc . which are very dangerous to the society 布图设计侵权行为主要表现为非法复制、非法商业利用等,社会危害性很大。 |
| 7. | For the moment , how to prevent network system from illegal attack and destruction , how to protect confidential data from been filched - network security - is becoming more and more important 但是,如何防止网络系统遭到未授权的非法入侵和破坏,如何保护机要、敏感数据不被窃取或非法复制,仍是网络安全中的重要问题。 |
| 8. | The revolution in digital technology has increased the ease of manipulation , reproduction , retransmission , and distribution of digital information . however , it is also offers the potential for illegal duplication and manipulation 数字化技术的革命在为数字信息的处理、复制、转发以及销售提供便利的同时,它也为非法复制和非法篡改提供了可能。 |
| 9. | The administrative authorities for copyright and for industry and commerce at various levels should cooperate closely , intensify their inspections and deal seriously with piratical acts of illegally copying audio - visual products and computer soft - ware 各级著作权行政管理部门和工商行政管理部门要密切配合,加强检查,严肃处理非法复制音像制品和计算机软件的盗版行为。 |
| 10. | It make laws have goals to trounce . 二 、 when texting - programme found pirated software , as traditional , programme would finished . this will made the pirate man and pirated software users found they do n ' t pirate successfully 二、在检测程序检测到是盗版软件后,不在象一般的方法是跳出应用程序,这样作不仅帮助非法复制者发现是否盗版成功,对使用盗版软件的用户几乎没有惩罚。 |