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English translation for "革命歌曲"

revolutionary song

Related Translations:
最喜爱的歌曲:  macaroni and cheese
革命风暴:  revolutionary storm
真诚革命:  truly devoted to the revolution
七月革命:  july revolution
革命埃塞俄比亚:  revolutionary ethiopia
革命阵营:  revolutionary camp
革命导师:  a teacher of the revolution
颜色革命:  color revolutionnon-violent revolution
革命道理:  the truth of revolution
整形革命:  21st century medicine 5 - body perfect
Example Sentences:
1.We were singing revolutionary songs all the way from our school to the factory where we were to work
2.There was no other music than their own singing . they danced to the popular revolution song , keeping a ferocious time that was like a gnashing of teeth in unison
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