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English translation for "顺便问一下"

by the time
by the way

Related Translations:
顺便:  conveniently; in passing; while you are at it; without extra effort 短语和例子这一点现在顺便提一下, 以后还会讲到。 i mention this point now in passing and shall refer to it again. 你顺便把这份学习材料带到车间去吧。 please take
顺便看望:  i look instop by
顺便走访:  droindrop indropround
顺便经过:  droby
顺便地:  at the volleyby the wayincidentally
顺便来:  come over
顺便拜访:  droby/droin onemphasis on agree with sb on sth droin on sbto make a short visit to a place on one’s way
顺便提起:  by the way
顺便过来:  come aroundcome round
顺便来访:  come aroundcome over todrobv/indroby / indroindrop by/indrop overlook in
Example Sentences:
1. "by the bye, what became of the baby?" said cass .
2.By the way , what shall we have to drink , ms. smith ?
3.By the way, where can i get a reproduction of the remarkable horses by xu beihong ?
4. "by the way, mr. young, how long have you been working with director tynan? "
5.By the way , will you take little katie with you
6.By the way , so you also know professor reagan
7.B : yes . by the way do you often surf the net
8.By the way , is there a dining room in the hotel
9.By the way , at what time do you serve meals
10.By the way , what is your e - mail address
Similar Words:
"顺便提一下" English translation, "顺便提一下,另外" English translation, "顺便问楼主" English translation, "顺便问问" English translation, "顺便问一句" English translation, "顺便向各位报告一件事" English translation, "顺便一说" English translation, "顺便一提" English translation, "顺便照看一下" English translation, "顺便走访" English translation