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English translation for "顾客抱怨"

customer complaints

Related Translations:
抱怨的人:  the man whcompiains
顾客支援:  customer support
招徕顾客:  drum up customersolicit tradetout
神秘顾客:  mystery customer
赊销顾客:  charge customer
顾客枨:  customer demand
顾客称便:  customers find the 24 hour service very convenient
顾客故事:  customer stories
顾客供应资料:  customer furnished information
接线员和顾客:  speakers operator and customer
Example Sentences:
1.The significance and treatment of the customers ' complaints
2.However , customer complaints will inevitably asise in the process of hotel management
3.Be responsible for rpsr and action plan following up with customer reject or complaint
顾客抱怨及时作出反应,找出质量问题的根本原因,并根据要求完成追踪行动,撰写rpsr 。
4.When internal / external nonconformities or customer complaints occur , the audit frequency shall be appropriately increased
5.Use spc technical to make analysis the data for customer complaints , and make sure the data is veracity
6.Is responsible for the establishment and the follow up of action plans resulting from customer complaints , internal and external and product and process audits
7.To analyze the causes of complaints and psychological factors on the part of customers and to treat them properly are necessary measures taken to promote customers satisfaction and the hotel reputation as well
8.Chapter three defines the customer loyalty that has evoked many arguments , then deals with factors related to customer loyalty , and at last clarifies the misunderstandings of customer retention and customer complaint
9.As a result , facing to the intense market competition , they are all confronted with such problems as low service quality , too many complaints from customers , shrinking market ' s shares and declining revenue in some degree
10.Based on the analyses of the former chapters , chapter five deals with how to improve the customer satisfaction by elevating customer value , handling customer complaint , governing service recovery , controlling employee satisfaction and building customer - oriented organization , etc
Similar Words:
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