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English translation for "颁发嘉奖令"

issue an order of commendation

Related Translations:
嘉奖:  praise or reward by superiors commend; cite 短语和例子呈请嘉奖 make a request for commendation; 传令嘉奖 cite sb. for meritorious service; 那位下士因作战英勇而受到嘉奖。 the corporal was cited for bravery in battle.;
颁发:  1.(发布) issue; promulgate 短语和例子颁发嘉奖令 issue an order of commendation; 颁发宪法 promulgate a constitution; 颁发法令 issue a decree2.(授与) award; confer 短语和例子颁发奖金 bestow a prize; 颁发奖章 award a medal; 颁发
嘉奖委员会:  commendation committee
颁发法令:  issue a decree awardconfer
通令嘉奖:  issue an order of commendation a general order
颁发奖章:  award a medal
颁发日期:  date of issue
颁发奖金:  bestow a prize
颁发文凭:  issue a diploma
颁发证书:  award a certificate
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