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English translation for "颂扬"

[ sòngyáng ] 
praise; laud; extol; eulogize; chant the praise of 短语和例子

Related Translations:
颂扬某人:  sing someone’s praises
颂扬性:  laudative
颂扬备至:  praise profusely
颂扬的:  eulogisticallaudativelaudatory
颂扬者:  eulogist
颂扬 说坏话:  extol malign
各报不约而同地颂扬:  the papers all chorused the praises of the
Example Sentences:
1.Everyone is singing your praises .
2.Tessenow decried the metropolis and extolled the peasant virtues .
3.Everyone said that he had behaved splendidly and praised his patriotic action .
4.Face b bears what coedes and krom describe as an unfinished inscription celebrating a victorious king .
5.And in the end they glorified the human spirit, magnified the struggle against evil, and thus carried on the humane tradition .
6.The new testament was less a christiad than a pauliad to his intelligence--less an argument than an intoxication .
7.As a result, these revenues were already quadrupled, and yet the burden was so much more equally distributed than before, that all the kingdom felt a sense of relief, and the praises of my administration were hearty and general .
8.This is a eulogy of the eminent naturalist
9.Till he appeared and the spirit felt its worth
10.Acclaim or praise for exceptional achievement
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