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English translation for "预卜"

[ yùbǔ ] 
augur; foretell 短语和例子

Related Translations:
未可预卜:  cannot foretell
预卜吉凶:  try to predict good or bad fortune
战争胜负难以预卜:  the outcome of the war is hard to foretell
Example Sentences:
1.The outcome of the war is hard to foretell ...
2.The future is hidden from us .
3.Hal's got that uncanny ability to see into the future .
4.In the mean time the foreshadowed political storm was brewing .
5.She found herself staring at him darkly, as though she were trying to read his future in his face .
6.The future is hidden from us
7.There once was a man who had a superstitious faith in geomantic omens . he consulted the geomancer beforehand concerning all signs beneficial
8.I say " hopefully " because , frankly , i cannot yet see clearly beyond the v - shaped recovery that we are happily experiencing now . the opportunities are certainly there
9.Presidents run for office based on claims of what they will do for a vast and poorly understood economy composed of many unpredictably interacting sectors
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