English translation for "预应力钢筋松弛"
- p.s relaxation of prestressing steel
Related Translations:
预应力元件: prestressed element 预应力成形: prestress formingprestressed formingprestressedforming 预应力套管: prestressed casing 预应力工艺: prestressing techniques 预应力工序: sequence of prestre ingsequence of prestressingsequenceofprestre ing 预应力油管: prestressed tubing 国际预应力协会: fiinternational federation of prestressingfipinternational federation of prestressed concrete and related materials and techniquesinternational federation of prestressed concrete and relat 先张预应力: pre-tensioned prestressing
- Example Sentences:
| 1. | Considering the characteristics of internal force and structures of simply supported pc bridges , a novel automatically step - up method ( asum ) , taking into account the influence of steel arrangement , steel ratio , stress losses of tendons and time - dependent concrete modulus , to analyze creep and shrinkage effects is presented . this method accepts all kinds of expressions of creep and shrinkage , and it is easy to calculate total stress , strain of concrete and steel and deflection of bridge at any time , the expected prediction accuracy will be obtained by further dividing the time - step within duration 首先,针对预应力混凝土简支梁桥的受力特征和构造特点,提出了徐变效应分析的全量形式自动递进法,可考虑截面上钢筋位置、配筋率、预应力钢筋松弛、混凝土弹性模量随时间变化等影响,且计算式可适用于任何形式的收缩、徐变特性表达式;建立的公式可方便地求解任意时刻混凝土、钢筋的应力与应变和跨中梁体的竖向变形,计算精度可方便地通过计算时段的细分来控制,直至给出满意的结果。 |
- Similar Words:
- "预应力钢筋" English translation, "预应力钢筋混凝土" English translation, "预应力钢筋混凝土轨枕" English translation, "预应力钢筋孔道" English translation, "预应力钢筋束" English translation, "预应力钢筋腱外形" English translation, "预应力钢缆;钢绞线" English translation, "预应力钢丝" English translation, "预应力钢丝束" English translation, "预应力钢索" English translation