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English translation for "预示的"


Related Translations:
预示:  betoken; indicate; presage; augur; forebode 短语和例子预示大风暴的来临 forebode a big storm; 预示丰收 predict a good harvest; 预示某人[某事]凶[吉]兆 augur ill [well] for sb. [sth.]; 灿烂的晚霞预示明天又是好天气。 the splendid eve
航迹预示:  track predictor
预示因子:  predictive factor
预示公式:  predictor formula
预示曲线:  predicted curve
预示吉利:  augur well for
预示丰收:  predict a good harvest
溶解度预示:  prediction of solubility
预示铃:  warning bell
预示疾病:  prognosticate diseases
Example Sentences:
1.Enteri . . . , looking for clues , any clues , as to what this uncharacteristic behavior might herald
恩崔立… … ,想找出任何一些线索,展示这不寻常的行为里预示的东西。
2.That enmity will always exist between those who follow the ways of sin and those who strive to obey god and keep his ways
3." you really do n ' t need a treatment for tics but they are a sign you should pay attention to as they may point to other things " says kurlan
说: “你真的不需要去治疗抽搐,但是它们是一个信号,你应该关注由它们可能预示的其它问题。 ”
4." you really don ' t need a treatment for tics , but they are a sign you should pay attention to as they may point to other things , " says kurlan
Kurlan说: “你真的不需要去治疗抽搐,但是它们是一个信号,你应该关注由它们可能预示的其它问题。 ”
5.If saddam refuses even now to cooperate fully with the united nations , he brings on himself the serious consequences foreseen in unscr 1441 and previous resolutions
6.Even before the markets ' recent upset , caused largely by inflation worries ( see article ) , there was reason to believe that the dollar was on the prolonged slide that economic logic suggests is overdue
7.Rinpoche died very suddenly and soon after lama yeshe s death at november 15 , 1984 at 9 : 30 ist at his monastery ganden shartse mungod , south india and was cremated on the 19th of november
Similar Words:
"预示;预知;预感;预言;预先警告;前兆" English translation, "预示不祥的东西来到" English translation, "预示成本,标准成本" English translation, "预示春天到来的暖和天气" English translation, "预示大风暴的来临" English translation, "预示的价格" English translation, "预示的凶兆" English translation, "预示丰收" English translation, "预示公式" English translation, "预示好的前途" English translation