| 1. | Monks and nuns who prophesy are not of that rareness . 说预言的修士和修女,很少有这个祥子的。 |
| 2. | It is impossible even to sketch the consequences of such choices . 这种不同选择的结果是无法预言的。 |
| 3. | It was another case of the preconception fathering the prediction . 这可以说又是按先入之见做出预言的一例。 |
| 4. | Their design then unfolded precisely as the shah and bhutto had predicted . 这时,他们的阴谋也完全像伊朗国王和布托预言的那样展现出来。 |
| 5. | The prophetic books of the bible can be but specimens of the prophesyings of that time . 《圣经》里的先知书,只不过是当时各种预言的范本罢了。 |
| 6. | They are the basis of unconditional prophecies, as opposed to conditional scientific predictions . 它们是无条件预言的根据,而不是有条件的科学预测。 |
| 7. | The discoveries of neptune in 1846 and of puto in 1930 were made as the result of predictions . 1846年发现的海王星和1930年发现的冥王星,是预言的产物。 |
| 8. | With the broadening of ideas that came with the captivity, the tenor of prophecy broadens and changes . 由于被囚禁以后思想境界的扩大,预言的要旨也扩大和改变了。 |
| 9. | Colonel brandon, who was chiefly of use in listening to mrs. jennings's forebodings, was not in a state of mind to resist their influence . 布兰顶上校的主要作用在于听取詹尔斯太太的预言,他的精神状态敌不住这些预言的影响。 |
| 10. | This difference between the prophetic and the engineering character of sciences does not correspond to the difference between long-term and short-term predictions . 预言的科学性和工程的科学性的这种区别不同于长期预测和短期预测之间的区别。 |