| 1. | This middle path would guide him to the target . 这条中间的路线就可引导他飞向目标。 |
| 2. | The nucleus decay into three particles which go off in separate directions . 这个核衰变成飞向不同方向的三个粒子。 |
| 3. | The nucleus decays into three particles which go off in separate directions . 这个核衰变成飞向不同方向的三个粒子。 |
| 4. | Darts of bright light shot asunder, darkness swept over the center of the lake . 明亮的光标飞向四方,黑暗趁虚而入席卷了湖心。 |
| 5. | The heavy drilling apparatus was blown sky high out of the hole with a tremendous roar . 那沉重的钻井设备随着一声惊人的怒吼,脱离井口,飞向高空。 |
| 6. | At a word from their masters they would fly high up into the air, and look around for prey . 只要主人一声令下,它们就会飞向天空,环顾四周,寻找猎物。 |
| 7. | Murphy immediately launched the rest of his aircraft on a sweep of the eastern mediterranean . 墨菲立即下令其余的飞机全部起飞,一起飞向地中海东部巡视。 |
| 8. | She saw her first young bird on the edge of the nest trying his wings to flying into the world . 她看到她的一只雏鸟已首次伏到巢边跃跃欲试地扑打着翅膀,准备飞向广阔的世界。 |
| 9. | A monster, three-stage rocket would blast a spaceship weighting about 150, 000 pounds across space toward the moon . 用一座庞然大物,三节的火箭将大约十五万磅重的太空船送上太空飞向月球。 |
| 10. | Now allow our space traveler to proceed to another galaxy whose residents are intelligent and mathematically adept . 现在让我们的空间旅行者继续飞向另一个星系,假设这个星系上居民聪明并精通数学。 |