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English translation for "飞机维修人员"

aircraft maintenance man
transporation - airplane repairman

Related Translations:
维修:  keep in (good) repair; service; maintain 短语和例子维修良好 in good repair; 维修房屋 maintain houses and buildings; 维修汽车 service a car; 设备维修 maintenance of equipment; upkeep of equipment; 需要维修 need (pu
航空维修:  aviation maintenance
线路维修:  line maintenance
工作维修:  operating maintenance
维修统计:  maintenance statistics
维修部件:  awawaiting partsmaintenance parts
发动机维修:  engine maintenance
维修机库:  attedant hangarmaintenance hangarservice hangar
维修预算:  maintenance and repair budget
分级维修:  echelon maintenance
Example Sentences:
1.Along with the advent of the highly efficient turbofan jet engine , used today on the majority of commercial aircraft , came a new and challenging problem for maintenance personnel . the repair and replacement of the abradable liner seal , sometimes also known as the fan track . .
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