Their intrusion, though baffling and terrible, is not a random mischance . 他们的闯入,虽然使人惊疑不定,却并不是飞来横祸。
I entered the room and found it had a low ceiling that could be easily touched with a slight leaping upward 但我晚上回到家手腕肿得很大,利利一摸说桡尺骨分离,必须固定。真是飞来横祸。
Lafayette , la . - two little girls , who apparently couldn t sleep , got out of the bed they shared less than a half - hour before a tractor - trailer plowed through their bedroom 据美联社9月20日报道,居住在美国拉斐特市的两名小女孩儿近日由于夜不能寐而幸运地躲过了一场迫在眉睫的飞来横祸。
Lafayette , la . - two little girls , who apparently could n ' t sleep , got out of the bed they shared less than a half - hour before a tractor - trailer plowed through their bedroom 据美联社9月20日报道,居住在美国拉斐特市的两名小女孩儿近日由于夜不能寐而幸运地躲过了一场迫在眉睫的飞来横祸。
Charcoal head jaycee chan , a humble boy , is born to be emperor . he and his adopted brother , blockhead chen po - lin , perform in a travelling show run by their adopted father , master blackwood tony leung 炭头与柴头,自小随义父黑木爷卖艺为生,一次偶然,无意中从师弟桃桃手上获得藏宝图石板,先后被误认是帝皇星的真身,从此飞来横祸。
Might it not have been the cardinal himself who had first traced them , in order that they might serve as a guide for his nephew in the event of a catastrophe , which he could not foresee would have been so complete 这难道不是红衣主教留下来,以备在横祸到来的时候,给他的侄子做路标的吗?但他却没有预料到他的侄子竟会和他同时在飞来横祸下毕命。
But in this twilight world which is neither at peace nor at war , and where there is insurance against certain immediate , downright , personal disasters , for most americans there remains only anxiety over what may happen , might happen , could happen 但是,在这个既非和平又非战争的、扑朔迷离的世界里,在这个对个人的飞来横祸都有着保险的地方,因为那里的大多数美国人只存在唯一的忧虑,那就是有可能发生什么事,或许会发生什么事,万一会发生什么事。
Berlin reuters - a pack of wild boars fleeing from a group of hunters went on a two - hour rampage through a small southern german village , biting people and causing thousands of euros in damages to shops , cars and property . a police spokesman said on tuesday the weekend mayhem began during morning shopping hours in the town of veitshoechheim . three boars were shot by police , a number of others were killed in traffic accidents and several bit pedestrians 据路透社11月28日报道,上周末,德国南部一个名叫维特索克海姆的小村庄突遇一场飞来横祸,一群刚刚逃脱猎人追捕的野猪跑进了该村,在长达两个小时的“胡作非为”中,它们不仅咬伤了多名村民,还给那里的商店汽车及其它财物造成了金额高达数千欧元的损失。