飞: Ⅰ动词1.(鸟、虫等在空中活动) fly; flit 短语和例子鸟在空中飞来飞去。 birds flit about in the sky.2.(利用动力机械在空中行动) fly 短语和例子由上海直飞北京 fly nonstop from shanghai to beijing3.(在空中飘浮游动) fly; float or flutter in the air 短语和例
My pig - nose turtle is tabes but he is still eating and swimming as normal . he is now floating on the water for resting . any problem or advice 不知何故我养了8年的飞河龟日渐消瘦了.由原先沉在水下休息变成浮在水面.已发生了2 +月了.它的食欲并无问题.依然非常活泼.有问题吗