| 1. | Fehd reminds public to stay alert against dengue fever 食环署提醒市民预防登革热 |
| 2. | Fehd follows up complaint of tampering with ovitrap 食环署跟进干扰诱蚊产卵器投诉 |
| 3. | Mosquito surveillance at port areas extended 食环署加强口岸地区登革热病媒监察 |
| 4. | Fehd to improve processing of cases for prosecution 食环署承诺改善处理检控个案程序 |
| 5. | Illegal poultry slaughtering factory smashed in yuen long 食环署捣破非法家禽屠宰场 |
| 6. | Fehd to pilot ovitrap study in residential blocks 食环署将进行家居诱蚊产卵器试验研究 |
| 7. | Hwfb concerned about injury of fehd staff while on duty 福局关注食环署人员执勤时受伤 |
| 8. | Special anti - mosquito operation on peng chau 食环署在坪洲进行特别灭蚊行动 |
| 9. | Fehd to give full report to legco on duck egg incident 食环署将向立法会提交鸭蛋事件报告 |
| 10. | Public reminded not to feed wild birds 食环署提醒市民切勿喂饲野生雀鸟 |