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English translation for "饱和法"

saturation method

Related Translations:
饱和甲烷:  saturated methane
饱和怜:  saturated flowsaturatedflow
饱和勘探:  saturation prospecting
光电流饱和:  saturation of photoelectric current
饱和覆盖:  saturated coverage
饱和反应器:  saturating reactor
饱和模型:  saturated model
扩散饱和:  diffusion saturationdiffusion saturtion
饱和电平:  saturation levelsaturationlevel
饱和乙炔:  saturated acetylene
Example Sentences:
1.Back pressure saturation method
2.Standard practice for eddy - current examination of steel tubular products using magnetic saturation
3.Gas analysis - preparation of calibration gas mixtures using dynamic volumetric methods - saturation method
4.The levels of metallothionein synthesized in liver of the mice induced by different stress factors including trauma , starvation , zinc ( zn ) nutriment , cadmium ( cd ) poison , both zn nutriment and cd poison and different treating ways which were designed according to the time - effect and dosage - effect were detected by atomic absorb mean and sulfydryl saturation mean respectively
用镉饱和法及巯基显色法两种方法检测小白鼠肝脏mt的量,研究不同应激因子诱导小白鼠肝脏mt合成的对应情况,结果表明: 1镉常规毒理实验中,镉对小白鼠腹腔注射的半致死剂量为2 . 12 ( 2 . 67 1 . 71 ) mg / kg 。
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