| 1. | The authorities dragooned the peasants into leaving their farms . 当局用武力把农民驱离田庄。 |
| 2. | It approached them , then backed off , stood in their way 缘分将他们推进,驱离,阻挡他们的去路。 |
| 3. | Even britain has expelled most of its aristocrats from the house of lords 英国甚至将多数贵族驱离出了上议院。 |
| 4. | Thou shalt not reveal thy true nature to those not of the blood . doing such shall renounce thy claims of blood 汝不得向非我族类揭示血族身世,违此诫律者当驱离血族,断其血缘。 |
| 5. | By the late 19th century , however , the u . s . government drove the indians out after white miners discovered gold in the hills 然而, 19世纪晚期,当白人矿工在山丘间发现黄金的踪迹后,美国政府就将印地安人驱离此区。 |
| 6. | Based on that stipulation , and in order to strengthen it , the czech government additionally promulgated the bene ? decree and thoroughly implemented expulsion of the sudetendeutschen 捷克政府据此并另行颁布贝内斯法令强化之,将苏台德德人尽行驱离。 |
| 7. | The second of the proposed bills would allow japan ' s coastguard to keep trespassers away from japanese installations and remove them if they came closer than 500 metres 拟议中的第二项法案,将允许日本海岸警卫队阻止非法侵入者靠近日本设施,如果侵入者离日本设施的距离小于500米,可将其驱离。 |
| 8. | But no need to worry , just think like this : different ingredients have different functions ; with this offering may each ingredient performs its best functions , either to satisfy the sentient beings , or to drive away hindrances 但是不必担心,只要想成说不同的成份有不同的作用,以此供养,愿每种成份发挥它最好的功用,或者饱养有情,或者驱离障碍。 |
| 9. | Mathematicians found that these highways always exist whenever two celestial bodies are revolving around each other . any object in these highways will always be attracted towards or driven away by gravity from l1 and l2 , without extra energy input 数学家发现,在两颗互相公转的天体,总会存在这些管状的曲面,当物体位处管上,便会被驱往或驱离l1或l2 。 |
| 10. | If at a meeting of a committee the chairman notices that a member of the public is behaving or is likely to behave in a disorderly manner , the chairman is entitled to seek the agreement of the committee to remove that person , or in urgent cases , to order the removal of such person 委员会行会议期间,若主席察觉某公众人士行为不检或相当可能有不检行为,则主席有权徵求委员会同意将该人士驱离会场,或在急切情况下,命令将该人士驱离会场。 |