Preliminary results indicate that the tuozidong deposits possibly belong to the early pleistocene to early middle pleistocene that the upper tuozidong deposits containing mammal fossils were probably formed during warm climate 初步研究表明驼子洞堆积可能是跨早更新世与中更新世早期的地层,其上部含哺乳动物化石的堆积可能反映了偏暖的气候环境。
Through investigating and analyzing cave deposits samples at tuozidong of tangshan , nanjing , combining previous research results and geological history of the tangshan area , we discuss the geochronology , depositional processes and modes of the tuozidong cave deposits , and logically elaborates on its paleoenvironments , geomorphology , paleoclimate and biological evolution at tuozidong 摘要通过对南京汤山驼子洞洞穴堆积观察描述和样品分析测试,结合前人研究成果和汤山地区地质地貌演化的历史,讨论了驼子洞堆积的时代、堆积过程和方式,井对其蕴含的构造、地貌、气候和生物进化等古环境信息进行了合理的挖掘。