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English translation for "驾驶员5"

drvr driver

Related Translations:
驾驶员:  driver; pilot◇驾驶员座椅 pilot set
轰炸机驾驶员:  bus driver
副驾驶员:  [航空] copilot; second pilot; [口语] kid
合格驾驶员:  certiffied officercertified officerqualified officer
商用驾驶员:  commercial pilot
航海驾驶员:  marine officer
驾驶员报告:  pirepilot report
驾驶员官员:  officer
驾驶员教育:  driver education
Example Sentences:
1.An example for detecting the eyelid closure over the pupil over time is given . the combinations of mathematical model and symmetry analysis increases the robustness of the performance while the target is deformed the scheme is suitable for human face location in intelligent human - machine interface and provides a groundwork to practical application efface recognition techniques . the laboratory experiments are conducted to verify the feasibility of the detecting and evaluating techniques of motor driver fatigue mentioned above and to determine the threshold of motor driver fatigue
在驾驶过程中,连续测试驾驶员的perclos值和眼睛持续闭合时间,一日驾驶员的眼睛perclos值人于40 、眼睛持续闭合时间大于3s ,系统就判定该驾驶员的疲劳程度己超过驾驶疲劳程度的阈值,并且立即发出“哺哺哺”的警告声,如果驾驶员5秒内还继续驾驶车辆,系统会自动切断山路和油路,使车辆自动停车,以避免发生交通事故。
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